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Engraving Gallery Lindsay Made Dagger
Engraved by  Steve J. Lindsay

"The design of this 14 1/4" dagger was inspired by the late James Hardenbrook who was a good friend to Steve.  The blade is ATS-34 stainless and the handle and pommel are 416 stainless.  The handle is all metal and engraved with tear drop gold scroll.  The guard also is engrave with raised gold scroll.  The pommel is eight-sided with each surface having a raised gold scroll tear drop shape.  On the edges of the handle are engraved scroll acanthus leaves.  The blade is engraved with large acanthus leaves on the hollow grinds pointing towards the point and the ricasso makes a triangle that makes up the vein of all the acanthus leaves.  Lindsay is engraved on the ribbon on one side of the blade and the other is engraved 1994".

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lindsay dagger04 copyb.jpg (89822 bytes)

Email:  slindsay@lindsayengraving.com
Web:  www.lindsayengraving.com

Hand engraving tools air graver air chasing graver jewelers tools jewelry repair gravers wood carving engraving school western engraving firearms engraving gun engraving.